Funnypages Productions would like to officially announce the premiere of a music video we were hired by Gotee records to create for the band "Relient K".
It's the bands take on the classic Christmas song "Sleigh Ride" from their album "Let it Snow, Let it Reindeer".
We worked with a handful of talented artists and Flash animators to pull this one off and we would have been completely lost without the support of our friend and Flash guru Enoc Castaneda. Tom and I handled the story concept, boards, character designs, model sheets, layouts and editing on our end and we were able to find 7 Flash artists from Atlanta, Canada, California and Australia to animate the video. One of the great things about working on this video is that the label gave us a lot of room to just create something fun that we wanted to animate to go along with the song they selected. We brainstormed out an idea and sent an outline and a few designs over to the band and their manager. They immediately got it and said Great!...go make it!
We were able to pull a great team together and knock this out in about 8 weeks. The video will be played during the Winter Wonder Slam tour starting on Nov. 13 through Dec 14. and is posted online at absolutepunk.net and Vimeo.com.
We're really proud of how everything turned out, so check it out and let us know what you think!!
Relient K - Sleigh Ride from gotee on Vimeo.
Fun story, too, guys.
Great work!